Please select from one of the four options below:

I'm looking to buy

and want to know how much I can afford.

I want to refinance

I'd like to refinance or renew my mortgage.

I've found a home

and need a mortgage commitment.

I need money

I'd like a reverse or private mortgage.

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1. What type of property are you looking to purchase?

Detached / Single Dwelling
Semi-Detached / Townhouse
Semi-Detached / Townhouse

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1. How will this property be used?

Primary Residence
Rental Property
Second Home

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1. When do you plan to buy a home?

Not sure. I want to know what I can afford.
Immediately. I am making an offer.
Actively searching. Considering a few options.
Within the next couple of months.
Other reason not listed above

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1. What is the estimated purchase price?

Example: "$500,000"

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1. How much do you have for a down payment?

Example: "$50,000"

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1. Will you have a co-borrower?

Any additional borrower whose name will appear on the mortgage documents and whose income and credit history will also be used to qualify for the mortgage.

Yes, I will have a co-borrower
No, I will not be needing a co-borrower

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1. Are you currently employed?

No I am not employed

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1. What is your annual income (or combined annual income if you have a co-borrower)?

Example: "$55,000"

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1. Do you have any outstanding credit card debt?

The amount of debt you carry is used to determine your eligibility.

Not Sure

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1. Do you have any outstanding loans or lines of credit?

The amount of debt you carry is used to determine your eligibility.

Not Sure

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1. Do you have any car payments (lease or finance)?

Lenders use your monthly car payments when calculating your debt-to-income ratio.

Not Sure

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1. What is your credit score?

If unsure, please estimate.

Excellent: 760+
Very Good: 725 - 759
Good: 660 - 724
Poor: 300 - 559
Very Good: 725 - 759
Fair: 560 - 659
Poor: 300 - 559
Not Sure

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1. Have you had a bankruptcy or foreclosure in the last 7 years, have filed a consumer proposal in the last 3 years, or have any credit concerns?

Consumer Proposal
New / New Credit History
Bankruptcy / Foreclosure
Taken to Collection

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1. I would like to:

Choose as many as you'd like and hit "Continue"

Know the best interest rate I qualify for
Know my maximum mortgage amount
Know the best lender for me
Speak to a mortgage agent

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1. We're almost done. What is your name?

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1. We're Almost done! What is your phone number?

So we can get in touch with you to discuss all your available financing options.


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1. Lastly, what is your email?

Don't worry, this won't be used for any of that annoying junk mail.

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